OmniPayments talks JCPenney, Visa, Mobile Wallet, Security and more at major NonStop user events …

OmniPayments was out in full force yet again for perhaps the biggest Regional User Group (RUG) event held so far in 2019 and it was encouraging to hear a lot more about the success OmniPayments was having in the marketplace – continuing to replace legacy payments systems on older NonStop systems with its modern payments solution for the new NonStop X systems. The turnout in Dallas was solid - the venue, the Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine, Texas, proving to be the attraction for many and became the backdrop for an evening of networking that followed the more formal presentations of the day.

The caliber of the presenters and the quality of the material covered in the presentations meant that it was going to be difficult to stand out from the crowd, but in this regard, being able to reference local JCPenney folks (who were in attendance) helped set the tone for all that followed. This major migration proved to be a topic that held a number of NonStop users captive over coffee following the presentation and was one that clearly held the attention of all those attendees from HPE. 

In the presentation attention was paid to the work OmniPayments has been doing with Visa that has led to the introduction by OmniPayments of products in support of Visa Direct, Visa Tokenization and Visa Fraud. According to Visa, Visa Direct – formerly Visa Money Transfer – is an easy way to send money between two parties. Visa Tokenization, working with Visa Direct, ensures sensitive customer information has been replaced with tokens and Visa Fraud is simply OmniPayments new Fraud Blocker or, as it is more formally known, OmniPayments Preauthorization Engine.

But perhaps every bit as interesting was the attention given to OmniPayments and its Mobile Wallet. Coming at a time when increasingly, in the world of payments, it is becoming a cashless and smartphone driven world. Our phone is our wallet and we simply no longer leave home without it. Anchoring many of the latest features of OmniPayments and making a significant contribution to OmniPayments continuing to win big deals featuring NonStop systems, it is all part of the modernization message OmniPayment is successfully using worldwide as it continues to enhance its already comprehensive product offering.

Of course, any meeting held in Texas and attracting users from many industries, it was expected that OmniPayments would be referencing the big modernization project that wrapped up just a short time ago at America’s retailer, JCPenney. It’s hard to ignore the many data points that came out of this migration to a modern system – not only was it done while the legacy application continued to run, but had to be completed within a very short timeframe even as it added new capabilities. This caught the attention of the Managing Editor of NonStop Insider, Margo Holen, who included in her editorial column of the July 2019 issue of the NonStop Insider the following:
OmniPayments sure had its bragging rights asserted at the N2TUG – read the article! A little snippet here: “Being the home town of JCPenney where OmniPayments delivered in a timely manner on a very significant modernization project that resulted in JCPenney upgrading to OmniPayments for all the payments processing, there would be no deterring Yash and Vaman from telling attendees about just how this project came in on time; a full payments switch migration completed in under a year!”

If you missed reading the article published in the July, 2019 issue of NonStop Insider, Your OmniPayments continues with its global participation in RUG events; this time it was Dallas, Texas, with the N2TUG community! then you will have also missed reading much more about OmniPayments:

OmniPayments was again a Gold Sponsor of the N2TUG event and its presentation on “Modernizing Payments with OmniPayments JSON, XML, Digital Wallets, P2P Payments and Tokenization came early in the proceedings schedule and was very well attended. Perhaps the interest in Mobile Wallets and the relationship OmniPayments now has with Visa, particularly as it relates to P2P Payments and Tokenization, checked off the boxes for many of the attendees as it was clear from the information provided that OmniPayments has become very close with Visa in its support for Visa customers in some countries.
The key consideration when it comes to Mobile Wallets,” noted Yash is that “is to know that it is securing your customer’s information that is necessary in order to authenticate them and then allow them to start a transaction; it is both necessary to make it all impenetrable by unauthorized parties even as it is mandatory to make the user experience such that they want to continue using the mobile wallet. And this has been accomplished by OmniPayment with its Mobile Wallet feature running on NonStop.”

Purchasing any goods or services from your smart phone is now a requirement in almost every market OmniPayments operates and in some countries where OmniPayments has a presence, the take up of its Mobile Wallet has been impressive.
To read this feature just published in the July, 2019 issue of NonStop Insider, you can check out the July issue by clicking on the hyperlink included above or by cutting and pasting this link into you browser -
