Any way you want to consume OmniPayments solutions, whether performance or price influenced, OmniPayments can work with you!

There is an expectation among members of the NonStop community that when it comes to choosing vendors to work with that NonStop users are essentially entering into a partnership with their chosen vendor. This has been the reality for many NonStop users particularly when it comes to those NonStop users that are financial institutions. The simple math that is involved – from time to select all the way through to time to decommission – means solutions are in use for years more often for decades. But now, choosing how to consume solutions and indeed NonStop is undergoing a dramatic shift – you can become a part of the NonStop community without being anywhere near a NonStop system.

In the OmniPayments article published in the September, 2016, issue of NonStop Insider, OmniPayments, LLC. CEO, Yash Kapadia, made it very clear at Regional User Group (RUG) events worldwide that, when it comes to consuming OmniPayments and even the NonStop platform itself, then you have options. “
You want OmniPayments on a system delivered to your dock or perhaps you want to run OmniPayments as a Service during a PoC or even a Pilot or perhaps you want to run OmniPayments from out of a cloud, based on NonStop that OmniPayments has begun to deploy? It doesn’t matter – to both customers and prospects, OmniPayments now offers choice of deployment, but whichever option is chosen, it all runs NonStop!”

Furthermore, according to Yash, “From Y Box, to SaaS, to virtualization and clouds, it’s simply OmniPayments being responsive to the needs of CIOs and the IT staff responsible for payments processing.” When OmniPayments started out on this journey, “it was about reducing the costs of acquiring the best payments solution obtainable running on the most available system and with NonStop we were able to do just that.”

But now, with the choices open to financial institutions, it comes down to how big a partnership you need. “Of course there are those FIs who are very much self-contained and by this I mean they have all the inhouse expertise that they need,” said Yash. “On the other hand there are those who are the polar opposites and need as much help from us as we can give and for them, OmniPayments as a Service is an ideal option. And for these financial institutions, it’s all about partnerships and when they are formed we are proud to be viewed as their partner in payments!”
