Heading to the big D, Dallas – more from OmniPayments on OmniCloudX and Blockchain!

The road to Dallas is full of memories as it was in Spring, 1976, I drove to Dallas in a BMW to give a presentation on data base. Who knew, forty plus years later, I would be driving to Dallas once again and yes, in another BMW - Road Trip – old or new it doesn’t matter; it’s the journey!

So much has changed – our N2TUG Regional User Group (RUG) meeting will be in Plano, a residential area that barely existed in 1976. Development of new homes had just started as Dallas had ended at Richardson all those years ago and the freeway partially circling Dallas / Fort Worth.

Today, the city has moved a lot further north and filled in the spaces west of the freeway all the way to the DFW airport and beyond. In 1976 Tandem Computers had just shipped its first Tandem Computer – “The design of the initial Tandem/16 hardware was completed in 1975 and the first system shipped to Citibank in May 1976.

We are going to Dallas / Plano for a very special RUG meeting one where Tandem Computers founder will be presenting “The NonStop Journey” at the end of the meeting. But before Jimmy takes the stage, a lot of ground will be covered that represents so much change having taken place over the past forty years; today’s NonStop systems are barely recognizable even as their key attributes – the very raison d'être continues. Fault tolerance giving “permanent” availability, scale out to forever and yes, data integrity and security!

The first keynote presentation by HPE will be on Blockchain and the first vendor presentation by OmniPayments will be on availability and deployment options – “… we offer competitive edge of seven 9s availability … (and) whether our clients take advantage of our standalone Switch or a par-for-use instance in OmniCloudX.” Yes, NonStop populating a cloud, consumption pricing models supported and ask too about our rollout of Blockchain / Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT).

On hand presenting for OmniPayments will be Jessica Nieves, Client Service Vice President and if you haven’t already seen this presentation then it is a must! From my perspective, it’s definitely worth the drive that is, if you enjoy the open road. And of course, a return to Dallas meeting the successful Texan entrepreneur, Jimmy Treyig well, that’s just the icing on the cake. 

See y'all there!
